Drew And Mike – November 17, 2021
The Verve Pipe play live for us, Kelly Stafford v. 49er fans, Bezos booed, Britney Spears new found “voice”, Maz checks in, President Biden visits Michigan, Young Dolph shot dead, and Lyla’s streak ends. Sales are low at drewandmikestore.com. We’re never doing merch again. Tom […]

Drew And Mike – November 14, 2021
Our merch store returns, Detroit Lions perfectly tie, Andy Dick arrested, Britney is freed, Dana Nessel drunk, Tom Labuda checks in, a Bonerline, Jizzlaine Maxwell speaks, and Taylor Swift’s still mad at Jake Gyllenhaal. The Triple Threat Trio dropped by for the weekend and Lyla […]

Drew And Mike – November 3, 2021
Sebastian Bach rocks with us, Atlanta Braves World Series Champs, Aaron Rodgers v. COVID, Deshaun Watson v. NDAs, 2021 Election results, Maz checks in, marathon pooper, and Lyla’s streak ends after a day. Lyla’s Joe DiMaggio Streak: Some people are saying it’s at 1 day. […]